Multi-contrast PD126 and CTRL17 templates

Extending the work from the PD25 template (Xiao et al. 2015, 2017), new population-based multi-contrast templates for 126 Parkinson’s patients and 17 controls are presented here. Nine 3T MRI image contrasts are included: T1w (MPRAGE), T2w, T1-T2 fusion, R2*, T2w, PDw, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR), neuromelanin-sensitive imaging, and improved susceptibility-weighted imaging (CLEAR-SWI; following methods from Eckstein et al. 2021).

Methods from Xiao et al. 2015 were used to create a T1–T2* fusion MRI volume for each subject that visualizes both cortical and subcortical structures to drive groupwise registration to create the population-based multi-contrast unbiased templates PD126 (shown in figures above) and CTRL17. The finished template is in the same space as the MNI PD25 template, which is the ICBM152 space.

FYI: The subjects used to create these templates were processed differently than the subjects used in the PD25 template. Specifically, the subject data was registered in stx space using an in-house PPMI model (Marek et al. 2011), instead of the ICBM152 model (although both are in ICBM152 stx space). This difference and the different sample of PD patients and controls, changes the scale and shape of the PD126/CTRL17 template by a small amount in comparison to the PD25 template, and hence the PD25 atlas labels do not align exactly on the PD126/CTRL17 templates.

The neuromelanin-sensitive imaging contrast is available in 1×1×1 mm and 0.3×0.3×0.3 mm resolutions, and were created using data from 85 PD patients and 13 controls with neuromelanin data. All other templates are available in three different resolutions: 1×1×1 mm, 0.5×0.5×0.5 mm, and 0.3×0.3×0.3 mm using the full 126 PD patients (44 female; ages=40-87), and 17 healthy controls (13 female; ages=39-84).

The template files that are available include:

  • MPRAGE T1: PD126-T1MPRAGE-template-{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • T2*w: PD126-T2star-template-{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • T1-T2* fusion: PD126-fusion-template-{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • R2*: PD126-R2star- template-{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • T2w: PD126-T2w- template-{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • PDw: PD126-PDw- template-{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • FLAIR: PD126-FLAIR- template-{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • CLEAR-SWI: PD126-CLEARSWI-template -{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • NM: PD126-nm- template-{0.3mm,1mm}
  • MPRAGE T1: CTRL17-T1MPRAGE-template-{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • T2*w: CTRL17-T2star-template-{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • T1-T2* fusion: CTRL17-fusion-template-{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • R2*: CTRL17-R2star- template-{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • T2w: CTRL17-T2w- template-{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • PDw: CTRL17-PDw- template-{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • FLAIR: CTRL17-FLAIR- template-{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • CLEAR-SWI: CTRL17-CLEARSWI- template-{0.3mm,0.5mm,1mm}
  • NM: CTRL17-nm- template -{0.3mm,1mm}
Please cite the following article(s) for methods and use of the templates:
  1. V. Madge, V. S. Fonov, Y. Xiao, L. Zou, C. Jackson, R. B. Postuma, A. Dagher, E. A. Fon, D. L. Collins. “A dataset of multi-contrast unbiased average MRI templates of a Parkinson’s disease population,” Data in Brief, vol. 48, pp. 1-9, 2023.

Copyright (C) 2022 Victoria Madge, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, NIST-Lab, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University.

PD126/CTRL17 templates are distributed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License,

The templates are available to download in MINC2 and NIFTI format here.