Lara Bailey

PhD student – Neuro Imaging and Surgical Technologies (NIST) Lab

I am a BioMedical Engineering PhD candidate in the NIST Lab working with Dr. Louis Collins. Previously, I completed my MSc in Computer Science, under the supervision of Dr. Purang Abolmaesumi and Dr. Ingrid S. Johnsrude in the Medical Image Analysis (MedIA) Lab at Queen’s University, Canada.

Research Interests:

  • 3D Brain atlases
  • Multi-modal image registration: histology-to-MRI, and postmortem to in vivo MRI
  • Intersubject registration: groupwise, and atlas-to-patient
  • Functional analysis: correlation of cytoarchitecture with fMRI BOLD signal
  • Auditory Cortex: functional specialization of Te1.0, Te1.1, Te1.2
  • Neuroanatomy & Physiology